10,000 Reasons

  • 主をたたえよ たましいよ 聖なる名を 
    心すべて ささげ 賛美します
    Shu o tataeyo, Tamashii yo, Sei naru na o
    Kokoro subete, Sasage, Sambi shimasu

日が昇る 今日もまた あなたに歌おう
Hi ga noboru, Kyo mo mata, anata ni utao
Donna koto ga, Okotta to shite mo
Sambi utai-tsuzukeru

愛あふれ 優しい神 あなたのしてくれたことを
Ai afure, Yasashii kami, Anata no shite kureta koto o
Nani mo wasurenai you ni
Uta o kureta anata e

弱って 立てなくなり おわりが迫るころ 
まだ私は 歌うだろう
Yowatte tatenaku nari, Owari ga semaru koro
Mada watashi wa, Utau daro
Eien ni yamanu sambi o

  • Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul, Worship His holy name
    Sing like never before, O my soul, I'll worship Your holy name

The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning, It's time to sing Your song again
Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me, Let me be singing when the evening comes

You're rich in love, and You're slow to anger, Your name is great, and Your heart is kind
For all Your goodness I will keep on singing, Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find

And on that day when my strength is failing, The end draws near and my time has come
Still my soul will sing Your praise unending, Ten thousand years and then forevermore

 Above All

Above all powers, above all kings
Above all nature and all created things
Above all wisdom and all the ways of man
You were here before the world began

Above all kingdoms, above all thrones
Above all wonders the world has ever known
Above all wealth and treasures of the earth
There’s no way to measure what you’re worth

  • Crucified, Laid behind a stone
    You lived to die, Rejected and alone
    Like a rose, Trampled on the ground
    You took the fall, And thought of me
    Above all

力より 王より 創られた全てよりも
人の知恵 思いよりも 先に居られた主よ
Chikara yori, Ou yori, Tsukurareta subete yori mo
Hito no chie, Omoi yori mo, Saki ni orareta shu yo

権力も権威も いかに優れた業でも
すべての富み集めても あなたに及ばない
Kenryoku mo, Ken-i mo, Ikani sugureta waza demo
Subete no tomi atsumete mo, Anata ni oyobanai

  • 十字架に 掛られて
    死にまで 従われた
    私の 身代わりと
    なられて 背負われた
    Jujika ni, Kakaerarete
    Si ni made, Shitagawareta
    Watashi no, Migawari to
    Nararete, Se-owareta
    Shu yo


主よあなたは 聖なる主 神の国を治める
その血潮で洗われて 私たちは 主につく
Shu yo anata wa, Sei-naru shu, Kami no kuni o osameru
Sono chishio de arawarete, Watashi tachi wa, Shu ni tsuku

  • あがめますイスラエルの高きみなを
    あがめます全てにまさる 勝利の主 主の御名を
    Agamemasu, Isuraeru no takaki mi-na o
    Agamemasu, Subete ni masaru, Shori no shu, Shu no mi-na o

 Agnus Dei

ハレルヤ ハレルヤ 全治全能の主に ハレルヤ ハレルヤ 全治全能の主に
ハレルヤ ハレルヤ

  • きよい きよい あなたは全能の主 誉れあれ 子羊に 聖なる主 (アーメン)

Alleluia Alleluia for Our Lord God almighly reigns x 2
Alleluia Alleluia

  • Holy, holy Are You Load God almighty Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb
    You are Holy (Amen)

All Hail King Jesus

There was a moment when the lights went out, When death had claimed its victory
The King of Love had given up His life, The darkest day in history

There on a cross they made for sinners, For every curse His blood atoned
One final breath and it was finished, But not the end we could have known

For the earth began to shake, And the veil was torn
What sacrifice was made, As the heavens roared

  • All hail King Jesus, All hail the Lord of Heaven and earth
    All hail King Jesus, All hail the Savior of the world

There was a moment when the sky lit up, A flash of light breaking through
When all was lost He crossed eternity, The King of life was on the move

For in a dark, cold tomb, Where our Lord was laid
One miraculous breath, And we’re forever changed

Let every knee, come bow before the King of Kings
Let every tongue, confess that He is Lord
Lift up your shout, let us join with all of Heaven
Singing Holy, Singing Holy
Cry out Holy, Cry out Holy

 Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see

  • My chains are gone I've been set free
    My God, my Savior has ransomed me
    And like a flood His mercy reigns
    Unending love, Amazing Grace

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

驚くばかりの 恵みなりき
この身の汚れを 知れる我に
Odoroku, Bakari no, Megumi nariki
Kono mi no, Kegare o, Shireru ware ni

  • 私の罪 とが あなたは自由に
    限りのない愛 溢れる恵みよ
    Watashi no tsumi toga, Anata wa jiyu ni
    Kagiri no nai ai, Afureru megumi yo

恵みは我が身の 恐れを消し
任する心を 起こさせたり
Megumi wa, Waga mi no, Osore o keshi
Maka suru, Kokoro o, Okosasetari

Angels We Have Heard On High

荒野(あらの)の果てに 夕日は落ちて
妙(たえ)なる調べ 天(あめ)より響く
グローーリア、イン エクセルシス デオ
グローーリア、イン エクセルシス デオ
Arano no hate ni, Yuhi wa ochite
Tae naru shirabe, Ame yori hibiku
Glo --- ria, In Excelsis Deo, Glo --- ria, In Excelsis Deo

羊を守る 野辺の牧人
天なる歌を 喜び聞きぬ
グローーリア、イン エクセルシス デオ
グローーリア、イン エクセルシス デオ
Hitsuji o mamoru, Nobe no makibito
Ame naru uta o, Yorokobi kikinu
Glo --- ria, In Excelsis Deo, Glo --- ria, In Excelsis Deo

御歌(みうた)を聞きて 羊飼いらは
馬槽(まぶね)に伏せる 御子を拝みぬ
グローーリア、イン エクセルシス デオ
グローーリア、イン エクセルシス デオ
Miuta o kikite, Hitsuji-kaira wa
Mabune ni fuseru, Miko o ogaminu
Glo --- ria, In Excelsis Deo, Glo --- ria, In Excelsis Deo

Angels we have heard on high, Sweetly singing o'er the plains
And the mountains in reply, Echoing their joyous strains.
Glo --- ria, In Excelsis Deo, Glo --- ria, In Excelsis Deo

Shepherd why this jubilee, Why your joyous strains prolong
What the gladsome tidings be, Which inspire your heavenly song?
Glo --- ria, In Excelsis Deo, Glo --- ria, In Excelsis Deo

 Arms of Love

あなたに捧げる 愛の 歌を
私の愛する 救い主 イエスに
あなたの御手の中に まさるものはない
Anata ni sasageru, Ai no, Uta o
Watashi no ai suru, Sukui-nushi, IESU ni
Anata no mite no naka ni, Masaru mono wa nai

  • あなたの御手にもたれながら 
    Anata no mite ni, Motare-nagara
    Afureru, Ai ni, Tsutsumareru

 I sing a simple song of love
To my Savior   to my Jesus
I’m grateful for the things You’ve done
My loving Savior   oh precious Jesus
My heart is glad that You’ve called me Your own
There’s no place I’d rather be

  • Than in Your arms of love
    In Your arms of love
    Holding me still Holding me near
    In Your arms of love

 As The Deer

As the deer panteth for the water, So my soul longeth after thee
You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship thee

  • You alone are my strength my shield
    To you alone may my spirit yield
    You alone are my heart’s desire
    And I long to worship thee

You’re my friend and you are my brother
Even though you are a king
I love you more than any other
So much more than anything

谷川の流れを慕う 鹿のように
主よ我が魂 あなたを慕う
Tanikawa no nagare o shitau shika no you ni
Shu yo waga tamashii, anata o shitau

  • あなたこそ 我が盾
    あなたこそ 我が力
    あなたこそ 我が望み
    我は 主を仰ぐ
    Anata koso waga tate
    Anata koso waga chikara
    Anata koso waga nozomi
    Ware wa shu o aogu


Shu wa kokoro sagurare
Somuku toki mo kawarazu ni ai sareru

Shu wa watashi o tsutsunde
Donna toki mo kawarazu ni ai sareru

  • 私のために血を流された 十字架の愛
    死を打ち破り蘇られた あなただけが主
    Watashi no tame ni chi o nagasareta, Jujika no ai
    Shi o uchi yaburi yomigaerareta, Anata dake ga shu

Iku michi o mamotte sasaerareru
Shu no ai wa kawaranai

主イエスは 罪とが取り去るために
Shu IESU wa tsumi toga tori saru tame ni
Sukui no miwaza o nashi togerareta

Oh Lord you’ve searched me, you know my way
Even when I fail you, I know you love me

Your holy presence, Surrounded me
In every season, I know you love me

  • At the cross, I bow my knee
    Where Your blood was shed for me
    There's no greater love than this
    You have overcome the grave
    Your glory fills the highest place
    What can separate me now?

You go before me, You shield my way
Your hand upholds me, and I know you love me

And when the earth fades, Falls from my eyes
And You stand before me, I know You love me

You tore the veil
You made a way
When You said that it is done x2


 Awesome God

Our God is an Awesome God
He reigns, from heaven above
With wisdom, power and love
Our God is an Awesome God

愛と力その英知 我らの神
天に輝く ああとうとい神よ
Ai to chikara sono eichi, Warera no kami
Ten ni kagayaku, A-a totoi kami yo

 Beautiful One

すばらしいそのつきない愛 十字架の恵み受ける
すべてを知ることできないほど あなたはうるわしい方

  • あなたを愛し 礼拝ささげ 歌います うつくしい主

あなたの栄光 天にあふれ 全地はみわざあおぐ
あなたの偉大さ こころみたし 歌います うるわしい方

Wonderful so wonderful, Is Your unfailing love
Your cross has spoken mercy over me
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, No heart could fully know
How glorious, how beautiful You are!

  • Beautiful One I love Beautiful One I adore
    Beautiful One, my soul must sing

Powerful, so powerful, Your glory fills the skies
Your mighty work displayed for all to see
The beauty of Your majesty awakes my heart to sing
How marvelous, how wonderful You are.

 Blessed Assurance

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine; Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

  • This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long.
    This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long.

Perfect submission, perfect delight, Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending, bring from above, Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.

Perfect submission, all is at rest, I in my Savior am happy and blest;
Watching and waiting, looking above, Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.

主に罪を赦され 神の子の恵に
満たされた喜び 心からうたおう
Shu ni tsumi o yurusare, Kami no ko no megumi ni
Mitasareta yorokobi, Kokoro kara utao-oh

  • 我が命 我が歌 とこしえに主をほめ
    我が命 我が歌 救い主 キリスト
    Waga inochi, waga uta, Tokoshie ni shu o home
    Waga inochi, waga uta, Sukui-nushi KIRISUTO

主に全てゆだねて 平安に満たされ
朝夕に感謝し 主のみなを讃えよう
Shu ni subete yudanete, Heian ni mitasare
Asa yu ni kansha shi, Shu no mina o tataeyo

 Blessed be Your name

主を誉めます 繁栄が流れ栄えるときにもあがめます
主を誉めます 人生の荒野通るときでさえあがめます
Shu o homemasu, eiko ga nagare, sakaeru toki ni mo, agamemasu
Shu o homemasu, jinsei no arano, tooru toki de sae, agamemasu

Megumi ni kotaete, tataeru
Kurayami no toki mo, kawarazu

  • 主の御名あがめます その御名を
    主の御名あがめます 栄光ささげます
    Shu no mi-na agamemasu, sono mi-na o
    Shu no mi-na agamemasu, eiko sasagemasu

主を誉めます 成功するときも平穏なときもあがめます
主を誉めます 苦しみと痛みあじわう時でさえあがめます
Sho o homemasu, seiko suru toki mo, heion na toki mo, agamemasu
Sho o homemasu, kurushimi to itami, ajiwau toki de sae, agamemasu

※主は与えて 主は取られる ほむべきかな 主の御名は
* Shu wa ataete, shu torareru, homu beki ka na, shu no mi-na wa

Blessed be Your name In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow Blessed be Your name
Blessed be Your name When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord Still I will say

  • Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be Your name
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be' Blessed be Your name
Blessed be your name, On the road marked with suffering
Though there’s pain in the offering, Blessed be your name

※You give and take away, you give and take away
 My heart will choose to say, blessed be your name


Christ is my reward And all of my devotion
Now there's nothing in this world That could ever satisfy

Through every trial My soul will sing
No turning back I've been set free

  • Christ is enough for me Christ is enough for me
    Everything I need is in You Everything I need

Christ my all in all, The joy of my salvation
And this hope will never fail, Heaven is our home
Through every storm, my soul will sing
Jesus is here, To God be the glory

I have decided to follow Jesus
No turning back No turning back
The cross before me The world behind me
No turning back No turning back

キリストが 私の救い よろこびと希望 与えてくれる
あらしの中でも 歌おう 主イエスに栄光
Kirisuto ga watashi no sukui, Yorokobi to kibo, Ataete kureru
Arashi no naka demo, Utao, Shu IESU ni eiko

  • キリストだけ キリストだけが
    わたしの全てを 満たす方
    Kirisuto dake, Kirisuto dake ga
    Watashi no subete o, Mitasu kata

主のあとを ついて行く 全てを 捨てても
十字架をみる 世界を背に もう振り向かない
Shu no ato o, tsuite iku, subete o, sutete mo
Jujika o miru, Sekai o se ni, Mou furimukanai


 Days of Elijah

今はエリヤの日 みことばを叫べ
今はしもべモーセの時 主の義が帰る
闇と飢えと剣 そこにあっても
砂漠の中で声が叫ぶ 主の備えをせよ

Ima wa Eriya no hi, Mikotoba o sakebe
Ima wa shimobe Mose no toki, Shu no gi ga kaeru
Yami to ue to tsurugi, Soko ni atte mo
Sabaku no naka de koe ga sakebu, Shu no sonae wo se yo

  • 見よ来られる 雲に乗り 日のように ラッパの音で
    声をあげよ ヨベルの年に シオンから救いが来る

    Miyo korareru, Kumo ni nori, Hi no yo ni, Rappa no oto de
    Koe o ageyo, Yoberu no toshi ni, Shion kara sukui ga kuru

今はエゼキエルの日 乾いた骨が生き
今はしもべダビデの時 賛美がよみがえる
今は収穫の日 畑は色づき
働き人は宣言する 主のみことばを
Ima wa Ezekieru no hi, Kawaita hone ga iki
Ima wa shimobe Dabide no toki, Sambi ga yomigaeru
Ima wa shukaku no hi, Hatake wa iro-zuki
Hataraki-bito wa sengen suru, Shu no mi-kotoba wo

  • 他に神はない 他に神はない…
    Hoka ni kami ga nai, Hoka ni kami ga nai

These are the days of Elijah, Declaring the word of the Lord
And these are the days of Your servant Moses, Righteousness being restored.
And though these are days of great trial, Of famine and darkness and sword,
Still, we are the voice in the desert crying "Prepare ye the way of the Lord!"

  • Behold He comes riding on the clouds, Shining like the sun at the trumpet call,
    Lift your voice, it's the year of jubilee, And out of Zion's hill salvation comes.

These are the days of Ezekiel, The dry borns becoming as flesh,
And these are the days of Your servant David, Rebuilding a temple of praise.
These are the days of the harvest, The fields are as white in Your world,
And we are the laborers in Your vineyard, Declaring the word of the Lord!

  • There's no God like Jehovah. 

 Draw Me Close To You

引き寄せていつまでも 私を友と呼ぶ声聞かせて
求めます あなただけ かけがえのないあたたかな腕に
Hiki-yosete, itsu made mo, watashi o tomo to, yobu koe kikasete
Motomemasu, anata dake, kakegae no nai, atataka na ude ni
Mo ichi do, modorasete

  • あなたは わたしの全て
    こたえて そばにいると
    Anata wa, watashi no subete,
    kotaete, soba ni iru to

Draw me close to You, Never let me go
I lay it all down again, To hear You say that I'm Your friend
You are my desire, No one else will do
Cause nothing else could take Your place, To feel the warmth of Your embrace
Help me find the way, Bring me back to You

  • You're all I want You're all I've ever needed
    You're all I want Help me know You are near


キリストの心が 我がうちに 造られる
あなたのように あなたの愛に 生きる者と変えられる
キリストの心が 我がうちに 作られる
あなたの前に へりくだります 我がおもい ゆだねます
Kirisuto no kokoro ga, waga uchi ni, tsukurareru
Anata no you ni, Anata no ai ni, Ikiru mono to kaerareru
Kirisuto no kokoro ga, waga uchi ni, tsukurareru
Anata no mae ni, herikudarimasu, Waga omoi, Yudanemasu

  • 栄光から栄光へと 主の姿に変えられる
    御霊なる主よ今 我が心 造りかえて
    この心 わが想い あなたの前に
    この心 わが想い あなたの前に
    Eiko kara eiko e to, Shu no sugata ni kaerareru
    Mitama naru shu yo ima, Waga kokoro, tsukurikaete
    Kono kokoro, Waga omoi, Anata no mae ni
    Kono kokoro, Waga omoi, Anata no mae ni


I stand upon the solid rock, Of faith in Christ
This steadfast hope shall not, Break apart within the trial
I am assured, His promises will never fail
As long as life remains, He is faithful

  • God is patient, God is kind
    He does not envy, He does not boast
    His ways are higher than my own
    His thoughts consume the great unknown
    Of this alone I am sure, My God is love

I draw my breath under His, Created windswept sky
I know my hope shall last, Long after my flesh retires
From dusk until the dawn, He calls His children home
His righteous love outlasts generations

He is Almighty God, Elohim
Maker of the earth, He is the Lord of hosts
Heaven’s King, God of endless worth
His kingdom stands above, Every power
Every living soul, His love is like the sun
Ever true, Shining over all


我が力 我が命 あなたがくれる
我が喜び あなたのため 私は生きる

私の渇ききった 心満たす方 愛を注がれる
願いより多くで 満たす方 

  • 私の為に死なれた あなたは全て
    やがて来る王の王 主の主

More than all I want, more than all I need,
You are more than enough for me.
More than all I know, more than all I can see,
You are more than enough

  • All of You is more than enough for
    All of me, for every thirst and
    every need, You satisfy me
    With your love, and all I have in You,
    Is more than enough


 Everlasting God

力に満ちた主を 今待ち望む 今待ち望む 
力に満ちた主を 今待ち望む 今待ち望む 
Chikara ni michita shu wo ima machi-nozomu, ima machi-nozomu
Chikara ni michita shu wo ima machi-nozomu, ima machi-nozomu

全地 治める主は 我が 救い主
Zenchi, osameru shu wa, Waga, Sukui-nushi

  • 永久にいます方 わが盾なる 
    力強いお方  なぐさめを与え 
    わしのように 我らを引き上げる 
    Towa ni imasu kata, Waga tate ni naru
    Chikara-zuyoi o-kata, Nagusame o atae
    Washi no you ni, Warera wo hiki-ageru

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord  We will wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord 
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord  We will wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord 

Our God You reign forever Our Hope our strong Deliverer 

  • You are the everlasting God the everlasting God  You do not faint You won't grow weary 
    You're the defender of the weak  You comfort those in need  You lift us up on wings like eagles 

 Father’s Song

I have heard so many songs, listened to a thousand tongues
But there is one that sounds above them all
The Father’s song, the Father’s love,
You sung it over me and for eternity
it’s written on my heart

  • Heaven’s perfect melody, the Creator’s symphony
    You are singing over me, the Father’s song
    Heaven’s perfect mystery, the King of Love has sent for me
    And now You’re singing over me, the Father’s song

The Father’s song, the Father’s love
You sung it over me and for eternity

心に響く 一つの歌声 父の神の歌
主の愛により 心に刻まれた 父なる神の歌
Kokoro ni hibiku, Hitotsu no uta-goe, Chichi no kami no uta
Shu no ai ni yori, Kokoro ni kizamareta, Chichi naru kami no uta

  • 御国のメロディー 御父のシンフォニー 
    主あなたが歌う 我が為
    御子をあたえた 偉大な愛を
    主あなたが歌う 我が為
    Mikuni no melody, Michichi no symphony
    Shu anata ga utau, Waga tame
    Miko o ataeta, Idai na ai o,
    Shu anata ga utau, Waga tame

 For All You’ve Done

My Savior, Redeemer, Lifted me from the miry clay 
Almighty, Forever, I will never be the same 

 'Cause You came near, From the everlasting
To the world we live, The Father's only Son 

  • And You lived and You died, and You rose again on high 
    And You opened the way, For the world to live again 
    Hallelujah, For all You've done 
    Hallelujah, For all You’ve done 

救い あがない主 我らを引き上げ 
全能なる 永遠(とわ)の父  私を変えられた
Sukui, Aganai nushi, Warera o hiki-age
Zenno naru, Towa no chichi, Watashi o kaerareta 

 主は 天から下り 我らの地に 来てくれた 
Shu wa, Ten kara kudari, Warera no chi ni, Kite kureta

  •  闇から よみがえられ 新しい道 我らに開かれた 
    ハレルヤ 主の業 ハレルヤ たたえます
    Yami kara, Yomigaerare, Atarashii michi, Warera ni hirakareta
    Hallelujah, Shu no waza, Hallelujah, Tataemasu


I'll Worship at Your Throne, Whisper my own love song
With all my heart I'll sing, For You my Dad and King

I'll live for all my days, To Put a smile on Your face
And when we finally meet, It'll be for eternity

And Oh how wide You open up Your arms
When I need Your love
And how far You would come
If ever I was lost
And You said that all You feel for me
Is undying love
That You showed me through the cross

  • I'll worship You my God, I'll worship You my God
    I love You, I love You
    Forever I will sing, Forever I will be with You
    Be with You

 Give Thanks

  • Give thanks with a grateful heart  
    Give thanks to the Holy One  
    Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son

 And now let the weak say, "I am strong"  
Let the poor say, "I am rich  
Because of what the Lord has done for us"   
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"  
Let the poor say, "I am rich  
Because of what the Lord has done for us" 
Give thanks

 Go Tell It On The Mountain

  • 世界に告げよ 野を越え 山越え
    「救いの君は 来たりましぬ」と
    Sekai ni tsuge yo, No o koe yama koe
    Sukui no kimi wa, Kitari mashinu to

罪を重ねて 悩む我を
君は許して 導き給う
Tsumi o kasanete, Nayamu ware o
Kimi wa yurushite, Michibiki-tamou

道を求めて 祈る我を
君は顧(かえり)み 救わせ給う
Michi o motomete, Inoru ware o
Kimi wa kaerimi, Sukuwase-tamou

  • Go tell it on the mountain,
    Over the hills and everywhere,
    Go tell it on the mountain,
    Our Jesus Christ is born.

While shepherds kept their watching
o’er silent flocks by night,
behold, throughout the heavens
there shone a holy light.

 God of wonders

全てのもの 造り出される
天に住まわれる 主に栄光あれ

  • 驚くべき主の業 空も越えて地を満たす
    全地は宣言する あなたの聖さ 威厳を

全治を治める 聖なる主よ

朝にあなたの 光喜ぶ
闇に捕われても 主の御名 掲げる

※ハレルヤ 全治の主イエスに

Lord of all creation Of water, earth and sky
The heavens are Your tabernacle Glory to the Lord on High

  • God of wonders beyond our galaxy You are holy, holy
    The universe declares Your majesty You are holy, holy

Lord of heaven and earth Lord of heaven and earth

Early in the morning I will celebrate the light
And as I stumble through the darkness I will call Your name by night

 God is Able

God is able, He will never fail, He is Almighty God
Greater than all we seek, Greater than all we ask
He has done great things

  • Lifted up, He defeated the grave
    Raised to life, Our God is able
    In His name, We overcome
    For the Lord, Our God is able

God is with us, God is on our side, He will make a way
Far above all we know, Far above all we hope,
He has done great things

God is with us, He will go before
He will never leave us, He will never leave us
God is for us, He has open arms
He will never fail us, He will never fail us

そばにいる僕らの神 ずっと導く
Soba ni iru, Bokura no kami, Zutto michibiku
Omoi mo kibo mo, Haruka ni koete,
Shite kureta subete

  • 死さえ打ち砕いていのち与える神
    主の名で打ち勝てる 僕らの神はできる
    Shi sae, Uchi-kudaite, Inochi ataeru kami
    Shu no na de, Uchi kateru, Bokura no kami wa dekiru

僕らに両手広げ 神はけして 見捨てはしない
Bokura ni ryote hiroge, Kami wa keshite, Misute wa shinai

God So Loved

  • For God so loved the world
    That He gave His only Son
    Whosoever believes will not perish
    They shall have eternal life

  1. I shall hold to the cross
    I shall hold to God alone
    For His love has salvaged me
    For His love has set me free

  2. I shall wait upon the Lord
    I shall wait upon His word
    By His grace, I am released
    By His grace, I am redeemed

By His precious blood, I have been set free
For the glory of Jesus' name
I surrender all, now to Christ alone
In Jesus, I am saved

  1. この十字架と、神に従う
    Kono jujika to, Kami ni shitagau
    Ai ni sukuware, Jiyu eta kara

  • 神は世を愛し、ひとり子与えた
    Kami wa yo o ai shi, Hitori-go ataeta
    Dare demo shinjiru mono wa, Eien no inochi o eru

  1. 主を待ち望もう、み言葉を待とう
    Shu o machi-nozomo, Mikotoba o mato
    Megumi ni yotte, Jiyu ni sareta

Tottoi chi ga, Kureta jiyu
IESU no eiko no tame, Yudane-kiro
Sukui-nushi, IESU dake ni

 Good Good Father

I've heard a thousand stories of what they think you're like
But I've heard the tender whispers of love in the dead of night
And you tell me that you're pleased
And that I'm never alone

  • You're a good good father
    It's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are
    And I'm loved by you
    It's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am

I've seen many searching for answers far and wide
But I know we're all searching
For answers only you provide
'Cause you know just what we need
Before we say a word

  • Because you are perfect in all of your ways
    You are perfect in all of your ways
    You are perfect in all of your ways to us

Oh, it's love so undeniable
I, I can hardly speak
Peace so unexplainable
I, I can hardly think
As you call me deeper still
As you call me deeper still
As you call me deeper still
Into love, love, love


 Goodness of God

愛する 主の御手の中で いつも安らぎをあたえる
目覚めの時から 眠るまで 素晴らしい主を賛美する
愛する主は火からも助け そばにいる絶望のときも
わが父なる神 友なる主 素晴らしい 主と歩みます
Ai suru, Shu no mite no naka de, Itsumo yasuragi o ataeru
Mezame no toki kara, Nemuru made, Subarashii shu o sambi suru
Ai suru, Shu wa hi kara mo tasuke, Soba ni iru, zetsubo no toki mo
Waga chichi naru kami, Tomo naru shu, Subarashii, Shu to ayumimasu

あなたは良い方 いつも誠実な主
命ある限り 素晴らしい 主を賛美する
Anata wa yoi kata, Itsumo seijitsu na shu
Inochi aru kagiri, Subarashii, Shu o sambi suru

  • あふれる恵 私を追う あふれる恵 私を追う
    今全てささげます この命を あふれる恵 私を追う
    Afureru megumi, Watashi o ou, Afureru megumi, Watashi o ou
    Ima subete sasagemasu, Kono inochi o, Afureru megumi, Watashi o ou

I love you, Lord, For Your mercy never fails me
All my days, I’ve been held in Your hands
From the moment that I wake up, Until I lay my head
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God.

I love your voice, Your hand led me through the fire
In the darkest night, You are close like no other
I’ve known You as a Father, I’ve known You as a Friend
And I have lived in the goodness of God.

All of my life You have been faithful
And all of my life You have been so, so good.
With every breath that I am able
Oh I will sing of the goodness of God

  • Cause Your goodness is running after, It’s running after me
    Your goodness is running after, It’s running after me
    With my life laid down, I’m surrendered now
    I give you everything
    Cause Your goodness is running after, It’s running after me

Great is the Lord

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise,
the city of our God, the holy place,
the joy of the whole Earth.
Great is the Lord in whom we have the victory,
he aids us against the enemy,
we bow down on our knees.

  • And Lord, we want to lift your name on high,
    and Lord, we want to thank you,
    for the works you’ve done in our lives;
    and Lord, we trust in your unfailing love,
    for you alone are God eternal,
    throughout Earth and Heaven above.

主 賛美受けるべき方 
我らに喜び与え 聖なる宮に住まう
Shu, sambi ukeru beki kata,
Warera ni yorokobi atae, sei naru miya ni sumau

主 我らに勝利を与え 
敵からも救い出す あなたをたたえます
Shu, warera ni shori o atae,
Teki kara mo sukuidasu, Anata o tataemasu

  • 御名を高く掲げ 感謝します あなたの御業を
    絶えない愛を注ぐ 主あなたはとわに すべてに勝る方
    Mina o takaku kakage, kansha shimasu, anata no miwaza o
    Taenai ai o sosogu, shu anata wa towa ni, Subete ni masaru kata


ここに泉は湧く 涙を過ぎるとき
やがて実を結び 笑い声に満ちる 
Kokoni izumi wa waku namida o sugirutoki
Yagate miwomusubi waraigoe nimichiru

  • 花も雲も 風も大海(おおうみ)も 奏でよ 奏でよ イエスを
    空に響け 歌え魂(たましい)よ 恵みを 恵みを 恵みを
    Hana mo kumo mo kazemo oumi mo, kanadeyo kanadeyo Iesu wo
    sorani hibike utae tamashi yo, megumi wo megumi wo megumim wo

仰げ 天は開き 僕らは見るだろう
やがて花は咲き 栄光の主が来られる
Aoge ten ha hiraki bokura ha mirudarou
yagate hana ha saki eiko no Shu ga korareru


You hold my very moment, You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire, And heal all my disease
I trust in you, I trust in you

  • I believe you’re my healer, I believe you are all I need
    I believe
    And I believe you’re my portion, I believe you’re more than
    Enough for me
    Jesus You’re all I need

Nothing is impossible for you, Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for you, You hold my world in your hands

嵐を治め すべてを知る いつも共にあゆみ
病もいやす あなたを 頼ります
Arashi o osame, Subete o shiru, Itsumo tomo ni ayumi
Yamai mo iyasu, Anata o, Tayorimasu

  • 我らは信じる 癒を与える主 全ての必要
    与えてくださる方 イエス 我が全て
    Warera wa shinjiru, Iyashi o ataeru shu, Subete no hitsuyo
    Ataete kudasaru kata, IESU, Waga subete

主に不可能など無い 不可能な事 無い
全てを御手の中で 治める方
Shu ni fukano nado nai, Fukano na koto nai
Subete o mi-te no naka de, Osameru kata

 Hear Our Praise

主の家は踊りだし 喜びが街に
不義は主にひれ伏し 人は変えられる
Shu no ie wa odori-dashi, Yorokobi ga machi ni
Fugi wa shu ni hire-fushi, Hito wa kaerareru

  • 山から谷へと 主の歌響け
    すべての国民 賛美で満たせ
    Yama kara, Tani e to, Shu no uta, Hibike
    Subete no, Kuni tami, Sambi de, Mitase

十字架の血潮で 暗闇は消され
この広い海のように 主の栄光満ちる
Jujika no chishio de, Kurayami wa kesare
Kono hiroi umi no yo ni, Shu no eiko michiru

  • ハレルヤ ハレルヤ
    ハレルヤ ハレルヤ
    Hallelujah, Hallelujah
    Hallelujah, Hallelujah

May our homes be filled with dancing
May our streets be filled with joy.
May injustice bow to Jesus
As the people turn to pray.

  • From the mountains to the valleys
    Hear our praises rise to You,
    From the heavens to the nations
    Hear our singing fill the air.

May Your light shine in the darkness
As we walk before the cross
May Your glory fill the whole earth
As the water o'er seas.


When the music fades All is stripped away And I simply come
Longing just to bring Something that's of worth That will bless your heart

I'll bring you more than a song For a song in itself
Is not what you have required
You search much deeper within Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

  • I'm coming back to the heart of worship
    And it's all about you, It's all about you, Jesus
    I'm sorry, Lord, for the thing I've made it
    When it's all about you, It's all about you, Jesus

なにもかも なくなって こころだけ
価値のある 何かを ささげたい
Nani mo ka mo, Naku natte, Kokoro dake
Kachi no aru nani ka o, Sasagetai

歌よりも尊い その 何かを 主にささげたい
深いところを 見ておられる 心の中を
Uta yori mo totoi, Sono nani ka o shu ni sasagetai
Fukai tokoro o mite orareru, Kokoro no naka o

  • 賛美を戻ってゆく 主への賛美 イエスへの賛美
    歌よりももっと尊い 主への賛美 イエスへの賛美
    Sambi o modotte yuku, Shu e no sambi, Iesu e no sambi
    Uta yori mo motto totoi, Shu e no sambi, Iesu e no sambi



世の光 闇にくだり 目を開かせた
あがめさせ 希望を与える うるわしい わが王、わが主
Yo no hikari, Yami ni kudari, Me o hirakaseta
Agamesase, Kibo o ataeru, Uruwashii waga ou, Waga shu

  • ひれ伏し今 礼拝する あなたこそ わが神
    うるわしい方 とうとき神 素晴らしい主イエスよ
    Hire-fushi ima, Reihai suru, Anata koso waga kami
    Uruwashii kata, Toutoki kami, Subarashii shu IESU yo

いと高きすべての王 栄光の天から
へりくだり 地に来られた ただ愛のゆえ
Ito-takaki, Subete no ou, Eiko no ten kara
Herikudari, Chi ni korareta, Tada ai no yue

我が罪を見る 十字架の上に
はかり知れない 十字架の 代価
Waga tsumi o miru, Jujika no ue ni
Hakari shirenai, Jujika no daika

Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes and let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You

  • Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down
    Here I am to say that You're my God
    Altogether lovely, altogether worthy
    Altogether wonderful to me

King of all days, oh so highly exalted
You're glorious in heaven above, yes You are
Humbly You came to this Earth You created
All for love's sake became poor

I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin up on that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin up on that cross


 Holy And Anointed One

Jesus Jesus, Holy and anointed one Jesus
Jesus Jesus, Risen and exalted one Jesus

  • Your name is like honey on my lips
    Your Spirit like water to my soul
    Your word is a lamp unto my feet
    Jesus I love You I love You

 Holy is the Lord

We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He

And together we sing Everyone sing

  • Holy is the Lord God Almighty
    The earth is filled with His glory
    Holy is the Lord God Almighty
    The earth is filled with His glory
    The earth is filled with His glory

喜びあふれ 我らは手を挙げる
あなたをたたえます 素晴らしい主を
yorokobi afure, warera wa te o ageru
anata o tataemasu subarashii shu o

こころあわせ 賛美します
kokoro awase, sambi shimasu

  • 全能の聖なる主 その栄光満ちる
    全能の聖なる主 イエスの栄光が
    zenno no sei naru shu, sono eiko michiru
    zenno no sei naru shu, IESU no eiko ga
    zenchi ni michiteiru

今 高くかかげます 主イエスの誉め歌を
今 高くかかげます 主イエスの誉め歌を
Ima, Takaku kakagemasu, Shu IESU no home-uta o
Ima, Takaku kakagemasu, Shu IESU no home-uta o


ホザナ高らかに 御名をたたえよ ホザナ
Hozana, Takaraka ni, Mi-na o tatae yo, Hozana

Hosanna, In the highest, Let our King be lifted up, Hosanna

How Deep the Father’s Love for Us

この世に一人子 与えた神の
愛の大きさは 測り知れない
十字架のイエスが 苦しまれるのを
耐えられ涙 を流された神
kono yo ni hitori ko, ataeta kami no
ai no okisa wa, hakari-shirenai
jujika no IESU ga, kurushimareru no o
taerare namida, o nagasareta kami

見よ主の十字架を わたしの罪を
背負いさげすまれ 孤独な姿
十字架の苦しみ 受け入れられた
私に命を 与えるために
miyo shu no jujika o, watashi no tsumi o
se-oi sage sumare, kodoku na sugata
jujika no kurushimi, uke-irerareta
watashi ni inochi o, ataeru tame ni

誇れるものなど この世にはなし
ただ主の十字架と よみがえりだけ
どうして私が 救われたのか
心を尽くして 感謝ささげる
hokoreru mono nado, kono yo ni wa nashi
tada shu no jujika to, yomigaeri dake
do shite watashi ga, sukuwareta no ka
kokoro o tsukushite, kansha sasageru

How deep the Father's love for us , How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son , To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss , The Father looked upon him
As wounds which mar the Chosen One , Bring many sons to glory

Behold the man upon a cross, My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice, Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there, Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life , I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything, No gifts no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart, His wounds have paid my ransom



The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice All the earth rejoice

He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice Trembles at His voice

  • How great is our God, (sing with me)
    How great is our God, (and all will see)
    How great, how great is our God

Age to age he stands, And time is in his hands
Beginning and the end, Beginning and the end

The godhead three in one, Father Spirit Son
The lion and the lamb, the lion and the lamb

御手の中に 時は流れ この世界は造られる
父 御子 御霊 ひとつの神
我らの王 救い主
Mite no naka ni, Toki wa nagare, Kono sekai wa tsukurareru
Chichi, Miko, Seirei, Hitotsu no kami
Warera no ou, Sukui nushi

  • 我が主よ 偉大なる神
    ちからある 君イエスよ
    Waga shu yo, Idai naru kami
    Chikara aru, Kimi IESU yo

我が魂 主を褒めよ 偉大な君イエスよ
Waga tamashii, Shu o home yo, Idai na kimi, IESU yo

Name above all names Worthy of all praise
My heart will sing How great is our God

王の栄光 その身にまとい 地のすべて 主を喜ぶ
主の光は 闇を破り その声に 敵は震え
Ou no eiko, Sono mi ni matoi, Chi no Subete, Shu o yorokobu
Shu no hikari wa, Yami o yaburi, Sono koe ni, Teki wa furue

  • なんて 偉大な 我らの主 あなたは
    全地は知る 偉大な神
    Nante, Idai na, Warera no shu, Anata wa
    Zenchi wa shiru, Idai na kami

時を超えて とこしえまでも 御手の中に すべ治める
子羊なる主 勇ましい獅子 ただ一人まことの神
Toki o koete, Tokoshie made mo, Mite no naka ni, Sube osameru
Kohitsuji naru shu, Isamashii shishi, Tada hitori makoto no kami

主の御名は 全てにまさり 賛美に相応しい
Shu no mina wa, Subete ni masari, Sambi ni fusawashii


 How Great Thou Art

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works Thy hands have made,
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy pow’r thru-out the universe displayed!

  • Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
    How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
    Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee;
    How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

輝く日を仰ぐとき 月星(つきほし)眺(なが)むるとき
雷(いかずち)鳴り渡るとき まことの御神(みかみ)を思う
Kagayaku, Hi o aogu toki, Tsuki hoshi, Nagamuru toki
Ikazuchi, Naru wataru toki, Makoto no, Mikami o omou

  • 我が魂(たま) いざたたえよ 大いなる御神を
    我が魂 いざたたえよ 大いなる御神を
    Waga tama, Iza-tataeyo, Ooi naru mi-kami o,
    Waga tama, Iza-tataeyo, Ooi naru mi-kami o

森にて鳥の音を聞き そびゆる山に登り
谷間の清き流れに まことの御神を思う
Mori ni te, Tori no oto o kiki, Sobi yuru yama ni nobori
Tanima no kiyoki nagare ni, Makoto no, Mi-kami o omou

 I could sing of Your love forever

Over the mountains and the sea
Your river runs with the love for me
and I will open up my heart
and let the healer set me free.
I'm happy to be in the truth
and I will daily lift my hands
for I will always sing of when Your love came down.

  • I could sing of Your love forever.
    I could sing of Your love forever.
    I could sing of Your love forever.
    I could sing of Your love forever.

Oh, I feel like dancin'
It's foolishness I know
But when the world has seen the light
They will dance with joy
Like we're dancing now

山も海も越え 愛の川が流れ
主に身をゆだね 心開く
あなたの愛で 生かされあゆみ
喜びあふれ 両手をあげ
Yama mo umi mo koe, Ai no kawa ga nagare
Shu ni mi o yudane, Kokoro hiraku
Anata no ai de, Ikasare ayumi
Yorokobi afure, Ryote o age

  • 主のあなたにおくる 感謝の歌 とわに
    こころからの誉め歌 日々あなたにささげる
    Shu no anata ni okuru, Sambi no uta, Towa ni
    Kokoro kara no home uta, Hibi anata ni sasageru

全世界が 主の光で
満ち満たされ すべての人の心躍り
Zen sekai ga, Shu no hikari de
Michi mitasare, Subete no hito no kokoro odori

 I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

I don't know about tomorrow, I just live for day to day
I don't borrow from the sunshine, For it's skies may turn to gray
I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said
And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what lies ahead

  • Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand
    But I know who holds tomorrow, And I know who holds my hand

Ev'ry step is getting brighter, As the golden stairs I climb
Ev'ry burden's getting lighter, Ev'ry cloud is silver lined
There the sun is always shining, There no tear will dim the eye
At the ending of the rainbow, Where the mountains touch the sky

明日はどんな日か わたしは知らない
晴れか嵐か 曇りになるか
Asu wa donna hi ka, Watashi wa shiranai
Hare ka arashi ka, Kumori ni naru ka
Watashi wa asu o, Shinpai shinai
IESU ga watashi o mamorareru kara

  • 明日はわたしには わからないけど
    明日を守られる イエスがおられる
    Asu wa watashi ni wa, wakaranai kedo
    Asu o mamorareru IESU ga orareru

日々のあゆみは 日々に明るく
かたのおもには 次第に軽い
輝く太陽 涙かわかし
仰ぐ空には虹の かけ橋
Hibi no ayumi wa, Hibi ni akaruku
Kata no omo ni wa, Shidai ni karui
Kagayaku taiyo, namida ka wakashi
Aogu sora ni wa, Niji no kake-hashi

明日はどんな日か わたしは知らない
どんな道すじが 先にあるかも
イエスがおられる わたしのそばに
Asu wa donna hi ka, Watashi wa shiranai
Donna michi suji ka, Saki ni aru ka mo
Dakedo watashi wa, Shinpai shinai
IESU ga orareru, Watashi no soba ni

 I Love You Lord

I love you Lord, And I lift my voice,
To honor you, Oh my soul, Rejoice
Take joy my king, in what you hear
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound, in your ear

愛する わが主よ みまえに 捧げます
感謝と わが賛美は あなたにきよく 慕わしい
Ai suru, Waga shu yo, Mi-mae ni, Sasagemasu
Kansha to, Waga sambi wa, Anata ni kiyoku, Shitawashii


All of my life I've searched for You Lord
You called me to Your side
With all of my heart, I'm desperate for more
Your presence is my life

The cry of my heart
Is to be where You are

  • I love Your presence
    I love Your presence
    Father where You are is where I wanna be
    Hidden in Your courts is everything I need

You are my strength, You are my shield
Surround me with Your song
All that my soul will know is Your peace
You hide me in Your love

The cry of my heart
Is to be where You are

  • I love Your presence
    I love Your presence
    Father where You are is where I wanna be
    Hidden in Your courts is everything I need


 I Stand in Awe of You

言葉に表せない 思いをも越える
知恵と愛は深く 測ることも出来ず
言葉に表せない 王の麗しさよ
Kotoba ni arawasenai, Omoi o mo koeru
Shu no uruwashisa ni, Kuraberu mono wa nai
Chie to ai wa fukaku, Hakaru koto mo dekizu
Kotoba ni arawasenai, Oo no Uruwashisa yo

  • 主のみ前に立ち, 驚き仰ぎ見る
    聖なる主あなたを, 仰ぎ見ます
    Shu no mi-mae ni tachi, Odoroki aogi miru
    Sei naru shu, Anata o, Aogi mimasu

You are beautiful beyond description Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful for comprehension Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom?
Who can fathom the depth of Your love?
You are beautiful beyond description Majesty, enthroned above

  • And I stand, I stand in awe of You I stand, I stand in awe of You
    Holy God, to whom all praise is due I stand in awe of You

 I Surrender

Like a mighty storm, Stir within my soul
Lord, have your way, Lord, have your way in me

Like a rushing wind, Jesus, breathe within
Lord, have your way, Lord, have your way in me

Lord, have your way, Lord, have your way in me

  • I surrender, I surrender
    I want to know you more,
    I want to know you more

 I will never be the same again

主の愛にふれられ 新しく変えられ

過去の扉 閉じて 前へと歩き出そう

火のように 雨のように 主の栄光 あらわす

闇のちから打ち砕き あつい思い示そう

何よりも偉大な 主の御心なしたまえ

主の栄光満ちる 私の人生に

Shu no ai ni furerare Atarashiku kaerare

Kako no tobira Toojite Mae e to aruki-daso

Hi no you ni Ame no you ni Shu no eiko arawasu

Tami no chikara Uchi-kudaki Atsui omoi shimeso

Nani yori mo idai na Shu no mikokoro nashi-tamae

Shu no eiko michiru Watashi no jinsei ni


I will never be the same again,

I can never return, I've closed the door.

I will walk the path, I'll run the race

And I will never be the same again.


I will never be the same again,

I can never return, I've closed the door.

I will walk the path, I'll run the race

And I will never be the same again.


Fall like fire, soak like rain,

Flow like mighty waters, again and again.

Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff,

And let the flame burn to glorify Your name.


There are higher heights, there are deeper seas,

Whatever you need to do, Lord do in me.

The Glory of God fills my life,

And I will never be the same again.


Fall like fire, soak like rain,

Flow like mighty waters, again and again.

Sweep aways the darkness, burn away the chaff

And let a flame burn to glorify Your name.


Fall like fire, soak like rain,

Flow like mighty waters, again and again.

Sweep away the darkness, burn away the chaff,

And let a flame burn to glorify Your name.


I will never be the same again,

I can never return, I've closed the door.

I will walk the path, I will run the race

And I will never be the same again.

And I will never be the same again.

And I will never be the same again.

I Will Run To You 

Your eye is on the sparrow
And Your hand, it comforts me
From the ends of the Earth to the depth of my heart
Let Your mercy and strength be seen

 You call me to Your purpose
As angels understand
For Your glory, may You draw all men
As Your love and grace demand

  •  And I will run to You to Your words of truth
    Not by might, not by power but by the spirit of God
    Yes I will run the race till I see Your face
    Oh let me live in the glory of Your grace

 あなたの御手は 私をなぐさめ
主の愛と強さが 私を包み込んでく
Anata no mite wa, Watashi o nagusame
Shu no ai to tsuyosa ga, Watashi o tsutsumi-koonde-ku

 主を知った今は 心帰られ
Shu o shitta ima wa, Kokoro kaerare
Shu no tame ni iki-tsuzuketai to omoi mainichi

  •  主の元へと走りだそう
    主の御顔を見る日まで 主の栄光の中にいたい
    Shu no moto e to, Hashiri-dasou
    Ari no mama no Sugata, Shu ni sashi-dashite
    Shu no mikao o, Miru hi made, Shu no eiko no naka ni itai

 I worship you almighty God

あがめます 全能の主  あなただけを
平和の主 あなたを 慕い求める
Agamemasu, Zenno no shu, Anata dake o
Heiwa no shu, Anata o, Shitai motomeru

心から ほめうたささげ
あがめます 全能の主 あなただけを
Kokoro kara, Home-uta sasage
Agamemasu, Zenno no shu, Anata dake o

I worship You almighty God There is none like You
I worship You O Price of Peace That is what I want to do

I give You praise, For You are my righteousness
I worship You almighty God, There is none llike You


キリストの内に 我が希望がある
不安な嵐や 試練の中でも
揺るぎない愛と 平安で包む

In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

死の罪と恐れ もはや消え去った
我が内に住まう 主イエスの力で
我が息 我が道 御手にいだかれて
御国にいるまで 主の力に立つ

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand:
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.

御国にいるまで 主の力に立つ


 In The Secret

静まる時の中 あなたはおられ
Shizumaru, Toki no naka, Anata wa orare
Yasashiku, Shizukana mi-koe ni, Tsutsumare,
Toki o Sugosu

  • あなた求め 御声したい あなたを知る
    あなたに触れ 御顔したい あなたを知る
    Anata motome, Mi-koe shitai, Anata o shiru
    Anata ni fure, Mi-kao shitai, Anata o shiru

ひたすらすべてを投げ捨て ただゆく 心尽くし
Shu IESU o tada mezashi, Eikan ukeru
Hitasura subete o nage-sute, Tada yuku,
Kokoro tsukushi

In the secret, in the quiet place
In the stillness You are there.
In the secret, in the quiet hour I wait,
Only for You,'cause I want to know You more;

  • I want to know You,
    I want to hear Your voice
    I want to know You more.
    I want to touch You,
    I want to see Your face
    I want to know You more.

I am reaching for the highest goal
That I might receive the prize
Pressing onward, pushing every hindrance aside
Out of my way, ‘Cause I want to know you more

 In Your Hands

I’m so secure, You are here with me,
You stay the same, Your love remains
here in my heart

  • So close I believe, You’re holding me now,
    In your hands I belong, You’ll never let me go
    So close I believe, You’re holding me now,
    In your hands I belong, You’ll never let me go

You gave your life in Your endless love,
You set me free and showed the way
Now I am found

All along, You were beside me even when I couldn’t tell
Through the years, You showed me more of You, more of You

あなたがいるから 平安のなか
Anata ga iru kara, Heian no naka
Kawaranu ai ga kokoro ni todomatteiru

  • 私、抱くあなたの御手にとどまる
    Watashi, idaku anata no mi-te ni todomaru
    Shu wa hanasanai
    Watashi, idaku anata no mi-te ni todomaru
    Shu wa hanasanai

命ささげ 導いてくれる
Owaranu ai to kaiho atae
Inochi sasage, michibiite kureru
Watashi no tame

ずっと きづかなかった 時もいてくれた
ずっと 示してくれたあなたを
Zutto kizukanakatta, Toki mo ite kureta
Zutto shimeshite kureta anata o


イエスが愛したように 私たちも愛し合う
その愛の中で 枝となる時 多くの実を結ぶ
Iesu ga ai shita yo ni, Watashi-tachi mo ai shi au
Sono ai no naka de, Eda to naru toki, Oku no mi o musubu

イエスが愛したように 私たちも愛し合う
人が友のため 命を捨てるほどの 愛はない
Iesu ga ai shita yo ni, Watashi-tachi mo ai shi au
Hito ga tomo no tame, Inochi o suteru hodo no, Ai wa nai

共に支え合い 共に助け合う イエスの愛で
共に祈り合い 共に笑い合う イエスの愛の中
Tomo ni sasae-ai, Tomo ni tasuke-au, Iesu no ai de
Tomo ni inori-ai, Tomo ni warai-au, Iesu no ai no naka

 Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so;
Little ones to Him belong; They are weak, but He is strong.

  • Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
    Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me! This I know, As He loved so long ago,
Taking children on His knee, Saying, “Let them come to Me.”

Jesus loves me still today, Walking with me on my way,
Wanting as a friend to give Light and love to all who live.

Jesus loves me! He who died Heaven’s gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in.

Jesus loves me! He will stay Close beside me all the way;
Thou hast bled and died for me, I will henceforth live for Thee.

主われを愛す、 主は強つよければ、 
われ弱くとも 恐れはあらじ。
shu ware o ai-su, shu wa tsuyokereba
ware yowaku tomo, osore wa araji

  • わが 主イェス、わが 主イェス、
    わが 主イェス、われを愛す。
    waga shu IESU, waga shu IESU
    waga shu IESU, ware o ai-su

わが罪のため さかえをすてて、
天よりくだり 十字架につけり。
waga tsumi no tame, sakae o sutete
ten yori kudari, jujika ni tsukeri

みくにの門を ひらきてわれを
mikuni no kado o, hirakite ware o
maneki tamaeri, isa mite noboran

よきはたらきを なさしめたまえ。
waga kimi IESU yo, ware o kiyomete
yoki hataraki o, nasashime-tamae


権力によらず 能力によらず わたしの霊によって
権力によらず 能力によらず わたしの霊によって
Kenryoku ni yorazu, Noryoku ni yorazu, Watashi no rei ni yotte
Kenryoku ni yorazu, Noryoku ni yorazu, Watashi no rei ni yotte

  • あなたの霊によって 大いなる山は 低くされ
    あなたの霊によって 宮は立てなおされる
    Anata no rei ni yotte, Oi narru yama wa, Hikuku sare
    Anata no rei ni yotte, Miya wa tate-naosareru


Kimi wa ai sareru tame umareta
Kimi no shogai wa ai de michite-iru

  • 永遠の神の愛は
    君の存在が 私には
    Eien no kami no ai wa
    Warera no de-ai no naka de mi o musubu
    Kimi no sonzai ga watashi ni wa
    Dore hodo ooki na yorokobi desho

Kimi wa ai sareru tame umareta
Ima mo sono ai, Ukete-iru

 King of Kings

In the darkness we were waiting, Without hope without light
Till from heaven You came running, There was mercy in Your eyes 
To fulfil the law and prophets, To a virgin came the Word
From a throne of endless glory, To a cradle in the dirt

  • Praise the Father Praise the Son, Praise the Spirit three in one
    God of glory Majesty, Praise forever to the King of Kings

To reveal the kingdom coming, And to reconcile the lost
To redeem the whole creation, You did not despise the cross
For even in Your suffering, You saw to the other side
Knowing this was our salvation, Jesus for our sake You died

And the morning that You rose, All of heaven held its breath
Till that stone was moved for good, For the Lamb had conquered death
And the dead rose from their tombs, And the angels stood in awe
For the souls of all who’d come, To the Father are restored

And the Church of Christ was born, Then the Spirit lit the flame
Now this gospel truth of old, Shall not kneel shall not faint
By His blood and in His Name, In His freedom I am free
For the love of Jesus Christ, Who has resurrected me

希望と光なき我らに 天から駆け寄る 神の哀れみ
預言と律法 成し遂げるため 王座を捨てられ 世の光へと
Kibo to hikari naki warera ni, Ten kara kake-yoru kami no awaremi
Yogen to rippo nashi togeru tame, Oza o suterare yo no hikari e to

  • 父 御子 御霊 一つの神を
    永遠(とわ)に讃える 栄光の王の王
    Chichi mi-ko mi-tama, Hitotsu no kami o
    Towa ni tataeru, Eiko no o no o

神の国 示し 贖うために あなたは十字架 否まなかった
苦しみの中で 未来を見据え 我ら救うため イェスは死なれた
Kami no kuni shimeshi aganau tame ni, Anata wa jujika inamanakatta
Kurushimi no naka de mirai o mi-sue, Warera sukuu tame IESU wa shinareta

蘇りの朝 石は取られて 子羊は死を打ち破られた
眠りし魂 解き放たれて 父のもと帰り 安らぎを得る
Yomigaeri no asa ishi wa torarete, Kohitsuji wa shi o uchi-yaburareta
Nemurishi tamashi toki hanatarete, Chichi no moto kaeri yasuragi o eru

教会生まれ 御霊が燃やす 今も福音 強く 輝く
イェスの血の故 自由とされた キリストの愛 いのち与えた
Kyokai umare mi-tama ga moyasu, Ima mo fukuin tsuyoku kagayaku
IESU no chi no yue jiyu to sareta, KIRISUTO no ai inochi ataeta


愛する その声 
Ai suru sono koe
watashi o nagusameru

命を あたえる 
Inochi o, ataeru
anatano mikotoba

  • みそばちかく 引き寄せられ 
    あなたの声 を聞く
    御うでに抱き さとらせたまえ 
    あなたの 御むねの中
    Misoba chikaku, Hikiyoserare
    Anatano koe o kiku
    Miude ni daki, Satorase tamae
    Anata no, mi-mune no naka


何かを手放し 失ったように 思える時でも
変わらずに 注ぐ 神の恵み歌おう
Nani ka o te-banashi, Ushinatta yo ni, Omoeru toki demo
Kawarazu ni, Sosogu, Kami no megumi utao

  • この日は 主が造られた
    この日を 感謝します
    Kono hi wa, shu ga tsukurareta
    Kono hi o, Kansha shimasu
    Shu no tsukurareru hibi wa itsumo subarashii


たましい 静めて 思う
救いの 丘に立つ あなた
Tamashii, Shizumete, Omou
Sukui no, Oka ni tatsu, Anata

わたしのために 流された血
Watashi no tame ni, Nagasareta chi

  • 導いて その十字架
    ひざまずく 主の前で
    何もかも 捨て去って
    行こう 主のもとへ
    Michibiite, Sono jujika
    Hiza-mazuku, Shu no mae de
    Nani mo ka mo, Sute-satte
    Yuko, Shu no moto e

あなたも 試され 生きた
人となり 死を請けて よみがえった
Anata mo, Tamesare, Ikita
Hito to nari, Shi wo ukete, Yomigaetta

あなたーーーの こころーーーへ
Anata no, Kokoro e

Savior I come, Quiet my soul, Remember
Redemption's hill, Where your blood was spilled, For my ransom

Everything I once held dear, I count it all as loss

  • Lead me to the cross, where your love poured out
    Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down
    Rid me of myself, I belong to you
    Lead me, Lead me to the cross

You were as I, Tempted and tried, Human
The word became flesh, Bore my sin in death, Now you're risen

Everything I once held dear, I count it all as loss

To your heart, Lead me to your heart


 Lord I Lift your Name on High

Lord, I lift Your name on high, Lord, I love to sing Your praises
I’m so glad You’re in my life, I’m so glad You came to save us

  • You came from heaven to earth to show the way
    From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay
    From the cross to the grave
    From the grave to the sky
    Lord, I lift Your name on high

御名をかかげて あなたをたたえます
救いのために あなたはこられた
Mina o kakagete, Anata o tatae masu
Sukui no tame ni, Anata wa korareta

  • 救いの道を与えに 天よりくだり、来られた
    十字架により いのちあがない よみがえられた
    Sukui no michi o atae ni, Ten yori kudari korareta
    Jyujika ni yori, Inochi aganai, Yomigae rareta

Love On The Line 

You put Your love on the line
To bear the weight of sin that was mine
Washing my river of wrongs
Into the sea of Your infinite love
With arms held high
Lord I give my life
Knowing I'm found in Christ
In Your love forever

With all I am
In Your grace I stand
The greatest of all romance
Love of God my Saviour

Mercy roars like hurricane winds
Furious love laid waste to my sin

  • With arms held high
    Lord I give my life
    Knowing I'm found in Christ
    In Your love forever
    With all I am
    In Your grace I stand
    The greatest of all romance
    Love of God my Saviour

  • To the One who has rescued my soul
    To the One who has welcomed me home
    To the One who is Saviour of all
    I sing forever


Majesty, worship His majesty
Unto Jesus be all glory, honor and praise,
Majesty, kingdom authority
Flow from His throne, unto His own
His Anthem raise

  • So exalt, lift up on high, the name of Jesus
    Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King
    Majesty, worship His majesty
    Jesus who died, now glorified
    King of all kings

マジェスティ 主をあがめよ 誉れと賛美ささげよ
マジェスティ 王なるイエスの力は流れる御座より
Majesty, Shu o agameyo, Homare to sambi sasage yo
Majesty, O naru IESU no, Chikara wa nagareru, Miza yori

  • 高く掲げよう主の御名を
    御前にひれ伏し ほめよ主を
    マジェスティ 王なるイエスの
    Takaku, Kakageyo, Shu no Mina o
    Mimae ni hire-fushi, Homeyo Shu o
    Majesty, O naru IESU no
    Jujika no, Miwaza o, Tataeyo


絶えることの無い あわれみと愛を 注ぎたまえ
ゆるしを与え 愛で救い出す 主は希望
Taeru koto no nai, Awaremi to ai o, Sosogi-tamae
Yurushi o atae, Ai de sukui-dasu, Shu wa kibo

  • 山をも動かす 救いもたらす 全能の主
    死からよみがえられ この地に勝利もたらされた
    Yama o mo ugokasu, Sukui motarasu, Zenno no shu
    Shi kara yomigaerare, Kono chi ni shori, Motarasareta

わが心の恐れ取り去り 主で満たして
すべて捨てて 今あなたに 従います
Waga kokoro no, Osore tori-sari, Shu de mitashite
Subete sutete, Ima anata ni, Shitagaimasu

(主の) 光を地に照らす (今) 栄光 たたえます
(Shu no) Hikari o chi ni terasu, (Ima) Eiko tataemasu

Everyone needs compassion, A love that’s never failing
Let mercy fall on me, Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a savior, The hope of nations

  • Savior, he can move the mountains
    My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save
    Forever, Author of salvation
    He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave

So take me as you find me, with all my fears and failures
Fill my life again, I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in, and now I surrender

  • Shine your light and, let the whole world see
    We’re singing, for the glory, of the risen king, Jesus



誰もが必要な 憐れみ永遠の愛 降り注いで
誰もが必要な 救いと赦し そして希望
Dare mo ga hitsuyo na, Awaremi eien no ai, Furi-sosoide
Dare mo ga hitsuyo na, Sukui to yurushi, soshite kibo

  • 主よ 救いの神
    山も動かす 力強さ
    Shu yo, sukui no kami
    Yama mo ugokasu, chikara-zuyosa
    Sukui umi-dasu shu yo
    IESU wa shi ni mo, uchi-katsu kami

満たされる 命を捧げて
ついてゆきたい すべてゆだね
Watashi no subete wo, Uke-ire futatabi
Mitasareru, inochi o sasagete
Tsuite-yukitai, Subete yudane

  • 光を輝かせ 栄光の 主に向かい
    Hikari o kagayakase, Eiko no, Shu ni mukai

Everyone needs compassion, A love that’s never failing
Let mercy fall on me, Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a savior, The hope of nations

  • Savior, he can move the mountains
    My God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save
    Forever, Author of salvation
    He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave

So take me as you find me, with all my fears and failures
Fill my life again, I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in, and now I surrender

  • Shine your light and, let the whole world see
    We’re singing, for the glory, of the risen king, Jesus



あなたのみ手のなかに わたしの未来が 
いつも生きてゆける あなたがいれば
anata no mi-te no naka ni, watashi no mirai ga
itsumo ikite yukeru, anata ga ireba

今かがやく希望 心にあふれる 
ima kagayaku kibou, kokoro ni afureru

  • 奇跡がある 信じて 手をのばし あなたにふれるとき 
    よろこび満ち 痛みを癒され イエスがとわに 治められる 
    kiseki ga aru, shinjite te o nobashi, anata ni fureru toki
    yorokobi michi, itami o iyasare, IESU ga towa ni, osamerareru

祈りには力がある 約束は消え去らない 
強くされ 前にすすむ 今信じる あきらめずに 
inori ni wa chikara ga aru, yakusoku wa kiesaranai
tsuyoku sare, mae ni susumu, ima shinjiru, akiramezu ni

How could I ever let you go You hold my future in your hand
How could I ever survive Without your presence in my life

This hope I’m feeling inside It’s coming alive, it’s coming alive

  • There is a miracle, when you believe,
    Reach out your hand
    Touch his presence once again
    O what a joy I’ve found
    I’m dancing in the rain
    You healed my pain
    I’m covered by your grace
    Forever Jesus reigns

It’s a brand new day, our prayer is not in vain
God is here with us, his promises remain
We are stronger, with every step we take
Don’t you give up now, hold on to your faith



主よ私は 飢え渇いて 今ここに来ました
主よあなたに 両手あげて 心からあがめます 
Shu yo watashi wa, Uekawaite,
Ima koko ni kimashita
Shu yo anata ni, Ryote agete
Kokoro kara agamemasu

  • 主よあなただけが 私を満たしてくださる方
    Shu yo anata dake ga,
    Watashi o mitashite kudasaru kata
    Shu yo anata dake ni, Sambi o sasagemasu

O Lord, we come to you Our soul thirsts for you
We desire to be renewed We lift our hands in praise

To glorify your name Who can satisfy but you
Jesus, Lord you're the only one
Who fills our heart
Who gives us who gives us life
Who satisfies our soul

  • Jesus, Lord you're the only one
    Who is worthy to be praised
    So I offer all to you

 More than enough

山が倒れ 海が荒れても
御言葉は 揺るがない
この世界が 失望に満ちても
主の愛は 変わらない
Yama ga taore, Umi ga arete mo, mi-kotoba wa yuruganai
Kono sekai ga, shitsubo ni michite mo, Shu no ai wa kawaranai

  • あなたの愛に ひれ伏し 
    偉大な愛に 地は揺れ
    主の恵みは 満ち溢れてる
    鎖から 解き放ち 
    御手の中に 導く
    主の恵みは 満ち溢れてる
    Anata no ai ni hire-fushi, Idai na ai ni chi wa yure,
    Shu no megumi wa, michi-afureteru
    Kusari kara toki hanachi, Mi-te no naka ni michibiku,
    Shu no megumi wa, michi-afureteru

力 あわれみ 絶えない 強さ 深さ 変わらない
栄光 忠実 とこしえに 偉大な神
Chikara, awaremi, taenai, tsuyosa, fukasa, kawaranai
Eiko, chujitsu, tokoshie ni, idai na kami

When the mountains fall, and the sea turns rough,
"But My word stand strong," says the Lord
When the world gets tough, filled with broken hearts
"But My love won't fail," says the Lord

  • Your love is powerful, knees shall bow,
    Your love is mighty, the earth will shake
    Your grace abounds is us, You're more than enough for me
    Jesus You're able, to break every chain
    Our lives in Your hands, You're in control
    Grace overflows in us, You're more than enough for me

Power mercy never failing, Stronger deeper never changing
Glorious, faithful never ending Great is our God


あなたを知らず 背を向け生きる
そのただなかで 私のおもい
つみをせおわれ 十字架に あげられた
Anata o shirazu, Se o muke-ikiru
Sono tada naka de, Watashi no omoi
Tsumi o seoware, Jujika ni agerareta

あなたを あいするまえから
わたしをしり 愛していた
Anata o, Ai suru mae kara
Watashi o shiri, Ai shite ita

  • むじょうけんの あなたの愛 その愛が
    私をささえ くさりをとき
    自由にし 心をみたす
    Mujoken no, Anata no ai, Sono ai ga
    Watashi o sasae, Kusari o toki
    Jiyu ni shi, Kokoro o mitasu

なんどもころぶ そんな私を
主の愛の中 とどまることを
おしえ はげます
Nan-do mo korobu, Sonnna watashi o
Semeru koto naku
Shu no ai no naka, Todomaru koto o
Oshie hagemasu

十字架を あおぎみて 
主のあいと すくいうけ
かわること つきること
ない愛に いま生きる
Jujika o, Aogi mite
Shu no ai to, Sukui uke
Kawaru koto, Tsukiru koto
Nai ai ni, Ima Ikiru

 My Life is In You Lord

My Life Is In You, Lord, My Strength Is In You, Lord
My Hope Is In You, Lord, In You, It’s In You
My Life Is In You, Lord, My Strength Is In You, Lord
My Hope Is In You, Lord, In You, It’s In You

  • I Will Praise You With All Of My Life
    I Will Praise You With All Of My Strength
    With All Of My Life, And All Of My Strength
    All Of My Hope Is In You

My Life Is In You, Lord, My Strength Is In You, Lord
My Hope Is In You, Lord, In You, It’s In You
My Life Is In You, Lord, My Strength Is In You, Lord
My Hope Is In You, Lord, In You, It’s In You

主よ わが命は あなたにある その御手の中に
主よ わが力は あなたにある その御手の中に
Shu yo, Waga inochi wa, Anata ni aru, Sono mi-te no naka ni
Shu yo, Waga chikara wa, Anata ni aru, Sono mi-te no naka ni

  • わたしはひれ伏し 主をほめたたえる
    わが命 わが力 わが望みの主
    Watashi wa hire-fushi, Shu o home-tataeru
    Waga inochi, Waga Chikara, Waga nozomi no shu

主よ わが命は あなたにある その御手の中に
主よ わが力は あなたにある その御手の中に 
Shu yo, Waga inochi, Anata ni aru, Sono mi-te no naka ni
Shu yo, Waga chikara wa, Anata ni aru, Sono mi-te no naka ni
Shu ni

 O Come All Ye Faithful

O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant!
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold him Born the King of Angels:

  • O come, let us adore Him, (3×) Christ the Lord.

Sing, choirs of angels, sing in exultation,
Sing, all ye citizens of Heaven above!
Glory to God, glory in the highest

神の御子は 今宵(こよい)しも
ベツレヘムに 生まれ給う
いざや友よ もろともに
Kami no miko wa, Koyoi shimo
Betsurehemu ni umare tamou
Iza ya tomo yo, moro tomo ni

  • いそぎゆきて拝まずや
    Isogi yukite hagemazu ya,
    Isogi yukite hagemazu ya

おとめマリア 母として
生まれましし みどり児(ご)は
まことの神 君(きみ)の君(きみ)
Otome Maria, Haha to shite
Umare mashishi, midori go wa
Makoto no kami, Kimi no kimi

神に栄え あれかしと
みつかいらの 声すなり
地なる人も たたえつつ
Kami ni sakae, Arekashi to
Mitsukaira no, Koe sunari
Chi naru hito mo, Tatae-tsutsu


 O Come To The Altar

Are you hurting and broken within,
Overwhelmed by the weight of your sin,
Jesus is calling.
Have you come to the end of yourself,
do you thirst for a drink from the well,
Jesus is calling.

  • O come to, the altar, the fathers arms are open wide,
    forgiveness, was bought with, the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

Leave behind your regrets and mistakes,
come today there’s no reason to wait,
Jesus is calling.
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy,
from the ashes a new life is born,
Jesus is calling.

Oh what a savior, isn't he wonderful,
sing hallelujah Christ is risen,
bow down before him, for he is lord of all,
sing hallelujah Christ is risen.

Bow down before him, for he is lord of all,
sing hallelujah Christ is risen

苦しみの中にいるすべての人に Jesus is calling
目をそらしたい罪 「そのままで来なさい」 Jesus is calling
Kurushimi no naka ni iru subete no hito ni Jesus is calling
Me o sorashitai tsumi “sono mama de kinasai” Jesus is calling

  • 走り寄ろう 御腕は開いている
    赦し受けた 尊い血潮により
    Hashiri-yoro, Mi-ude wa hiraiteiru
    Yurushi uketa, Totoi chishio ni yori

後悔は後にして 今すぐに近づこう Jesus is calling
悲しみを喜びに変えられるイエスが 呼んでいる
Kokai wa ato ni shite, ima sugu ni chikazuko, Jesus is calling
Kanashimi o yorokobi ni, Kaerareru IESU ga yondeiru

救い主 素晴らしい君 Sing Hallelujah 捧げよう
よみがえった王なるイエスに Sing Hallelujah 捧げよう
Sukui-nushi, Subarashii kimi, Sing hallelujah, Sasageyo
Yomigaetta, Oo naru IESU ni, Sing hallelujah, Sasageyo

十字架を背負って 全地へ宣べ伝えよ
Jujika o se otte, Zenchi e nobe-tsutaeyo

 O Holy Night

O holy night, the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior’s birth
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth
A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

  • Fall on your knees, Oh hear the angel voices
    O night divine, O night when Christ was born

さやかに星はきらめき 御子イエス生まれたもう
長くも闇路をたどり メシヤを待てるために
新しき朝は来たり 栄ある日は昇る

  • いさ聞け 御使い歌う
    妙なる あまつ 御歌を
    めだたし 清しこよい


 Oh Jesus I Worship You

Oh イエス 私の力 Oh イエス 私の救い
Oh イエス 私のいのち Oh イエス 我が主
Oh IESU, Watashi no chikara, Oh IESU, Watashi no sukui
Oh IESU, Watashi no inochi, Oh IESU, Waga shu

Oh Jesus, You are mighty power, Oh Jesus, You are my salvation
Oh Jesus, You are my deliverer, Oh Jesus, I worship You

  • 愛します わたしの 喜び 真実
    たたえます いつまでも
    あなたは 我が主
    Ai shimasu, Watashi no, Yorokobi, Shinjitsu
    Tataemasu, Itsu made mo
    Anata wa, Waga shu

 Oh Praise the Name

カルバリの丘の 十字架の上で
傷つき死なれた 私の救い
亜麻布に巻かれ ヨセフの墓へと
出口は閉ざされ 一人葬られた
Karubari no oka no, Jujika no ue de
Kizu-tsuki shinareta, Watashi no sukui
Amanuno ni makare, Yosefu no haka e to
Deguchi wa toozasare, Hitori homerareta

  • たたえよう神の名を 主の名を永遠に
    たたえよういつまでも イエスあなたを
    Tataeyo, Kami no na o, Shu no na o eien ni
    Tataeyo, Itsu made mo, IESU anata o

3 日目の夜明けに 神の子イエスは
死を打ち砕いて よみがえられた
Mikkame no, Yo-ake ni, Kami no ko, IESU wa
Shi o uchi-kudaite, Yomigaerareta

栄光をまとい イエスは来られる
私は見るだろう 輝く御顔を 
Eiko o matoi, IESU wa korareru
Watashi wa miru daro, Kagayaku, Mikao o

I cast my mind to Calvary Where Jesus bled and died for me
I see His wounds, His hands, His feet My Saviour on that cursed tree

 His body bound and drenched in tears They laid Him down in Joseph's tomb.
The entrance sealed by heavy stone Messiah still and all alone

  •  O praise the name of the Lord our God O praise His name forever more
    For endless days we will sing Your praise Oh Lord, oh Lord our God

 Then on the third at break of dawn The Son of Heaven rose again
O trampled death, where is your sting? The angels roar for Christ the King

 He shall return in robes of white The blazing sun shall pierce the night
And I will rise among the saints My gaze transfixed on Jesus' face


You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

  • I will call upon Your name
    And keep my eyes above the waves
    When oceans rise my soul will rest in Your embrace
    For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now

  • Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
    Let me walk upon the waters
    Wherever You would call me
    Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
    And my faith will be made stronger
    In the presence of my Savior

あなたは「来なさい」と わたしを呼んでる
不安定に揺れる 深い水の上へ
Anata wa kinasai to watashi o yonderu
Fuantei ni yureru fukai mizu no ue e

  • あなたの名を呼び あなただけ見つめ
    うねる波も あなたに抱かれ
    Anata no na wo yobi, Anata dake mitsume
    Uneru nami mo, Anata ni idakare
    Koete yukeru

その恵みは深く その手は導き
恐れが襲うとき あなたは見捨てはしない
Sono megumi wa fukaku, Sono te wa michibiki
Osore ga osou toki, Anata wa misute wa shinai

  • 完全な信頼の果てへ
    聖霊よ手を引いて 連れて行ってください
    信仰を強め 臨在の中へ
    Kanzen na shinrai no hate e
    Seirei yo te o hiite, Tsuretette kudasai
    Mita koto mo nai fukai basho e
    Shinko o tsuyome, Rinzai no naka e


ただひとつ わたしの願い求めは
主の家に住まうこと 命の限り
麗しき主を仰ぎ見て 主の宮に住み 主を思う

One thing have I desired of the Lord
That will I seek after
That I may dwell in
the house of the Lord
All the days of my life

  • To behold the beauty
    The beauty of the Lord
    To inquire in His temple
    The temple of the Lord

  • 麗しき主を仰ぎ見て 主の宮に住み 主を思う


 One Way

あなただけが ただひとりの主
目を上げ 全て委ね
Anata dake ga, Tada hitori no shu
Me wo age, Subete yudane

苦しいときは あなたを求め
へりくだります 御前に
Kurushii toki wa, Anata o motome
Herikudarimasu, Mimae ni

One way Jesus ただひとつの道だから
One Way Jesus tada hitotsu no michi dakara

全ての中に 主は共にいて
恵み 心に溢れ
Subete no naka ni, Shu wa tomo ni ite
Megumi, kokoro ni afure

あなたは決して 変わることはない
昨日も今日も 永遠(えいえん)に
Anata wa keshite, Kawaru koto wa nai
Kino mo kyo mo, Eien ni

I lay my life down at Your feet
Cause You’re the only one I need
I turn to You and You are always there

In troubled times it’s You I seek
I put You first that’s all I need
I humble all I am all to You

One Way, Jesus
You’re the only one that I could live for
You are always, always there

Every how and everywhere
Your grace abounds so deeply within me

You will never ever change
Yesterday today the same
Forever till forever meets no end

One way Jesus


One Way Jesus


主は道 真理 命

見えることに 囚(とら)われず


You are the Way the Truth and the Life

We live by faith and not by sight for You

We’re living all for You

主は道 真理 命

わたしたちは 生きてゆく


You are the Way the Truth and the Life

We live by faith and not by sight for You

We’re living all for You

Our God 

Water You turned into wine, Opened the eyes of the blind
There's no one like You, None like You

Into the darkness, You shine, Out of the ashes, we rise
There's no one like You, None like You!

  • Our God is greater, our God is stronger
    God, You are higher than any other
    Our God is healer, awesome in power
    Our God, our God

閉ざされた目を 開くあなたは
tozasareta me o hiraku anata wa
yuitsu no kibo

暗闇破り 光もたらす
kurayami yaburi, hikari motarasu
yuitsu no sukui

  • 力強い 我らの神
    chikara zuyoi, warera no kami
    kuraberu mono nado nai
    subarashii iyashii nushi
    waga shu wa

主がともにいて 味方であれば
全てのことを 恐れること無い
shu ga tomo ni ite, mikata de areba
subete no koto o, osoreru koto nai
osoreru koto nai


 Potter’s Hand

美しい 素晴らしい主 
その御手で わが全て
治める 完全な計画により
Utsukushii, Subarashii shu
Sono mi-te de, Waga subete
Naoru, Kanzen na keikaku ni yori

あなたの御霊に 導かれ 
Anata no mi-tama ni, Michibikare
Shu IESU no mi-kokoro no mama ni

召されたこの道に とらえられ
Mesareta kono michi ni, Toraerare
Chikara no kagiri
Shu ni sasagemasu

  • 用いてください 陶器師 主よ
    ともに歩み 導いてください
    造り主 主イエスよ
    Mochiite kudasai, Tokishi shu yo
    Watashi o tsukuri-kaete
    Tomoni ayumi, Michibiite kudasai
    Tsukuri-nushi, Shu IESU yo

Beautiful Lord, wonderful Savior
I know for sure all of my days are held in Your hand
And crafted into Your perfect plan

You gently called me into Your presence
Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord, to live all of my life
Through Your eyes

And I'm captured by Your Holy calling
Set me apart, I know You're drawing me to Yourself
Lead me Lord, I pray

  • Take me and mold me, use me, fill me
    I give my life to the Potter's hand
    Call me, You guide me, lead me, walk beside me
    I give my life to the Potter's hand


わが心 造り替えたまえ あふれ出る恵みの中で
わが弱さ 取り去りたまえ 力強い あなたの愛で
Waga kokoro, tsukuri-kae-tamae, Afure-deru megumi no naka de
Waga yowasa, tori-sari-tamae, chikara-dzuyoi, anata no ai de

  • みそばに抱き寄せたまえ あなたの愛の中で
    鷲のように私は昇る 主に抱かれ 
    今はばたく 主イエスの愛で
    Misoba ni, Daki-yose-tamae, Anata no ai no naka de
    Washi no you ni, Watashi wa noboru, Shu ni idakare,
    Ima habataku, Shu IESU no ai de

その御顔 表したまえ わがうちにおられる主よ
わが思い 御心の中に 日々作り変えて あなたの愛で
Sono mikao, Arawashi-tamae, Waga uchi ni, Orareru shu yo
Waga omoi, Mi-kokoro no naka ni, Hibi tsukuri-kaete, Anata no ai de

Lord I come to you, Let my heart be changed, renewed
Flowing from the grace, That I found in you
Lord I’ve come to know, The weaknesses I see in me
Will be stripped away, By the power of your love

  • Hold me close, Let your love surround me
    Bring me near, draw me to your side
    And as I wait, I’ll rise up like the eagle
    And I will soar with you, Your Spirit leads me on
    In the power of your love

Lord unveil my eyes, Let me see you face to face
The knowledge of your love, as you live in me
Lord renew my mind, As your will unfolds in my life
In living every day, by the power of your love



The head that once was crowned with thorns, Is crowned with glory now
The Savior knelt to wash our feet, Now at his feet we bow

The one who wore our sin and shame, Now robed in majesty
The radiance of perfect love, Now shines for all to see

  • Your name, Your name, Is victory
    All praise, Will rise, To Christ our king

The fear that held us now gives way, To him who is our peace
His final breath upon the cross, Is now alive in me

By your spirit I will rise, From the ashes of defeat
The resurrected king, Is resurrecting me
In your name I come alive, To declare your victory
The resurrected king, Is resurrecting me

The tomb where soldiers watched in vain, Was borrowed for three days
His body there would not remain, Our God has robbed the grave
Our God has robbed the grave

  • The resurrected king, Is resurrecting me

 Revival Fire Fall

御名を高く あげるとき 風と雨を 送りたまえ
主の臨在と情熱を 天よりそそいで
Mina o takaku ageru toki, Kaze to ame o okuri-tamae
Shu no rinzai to jonetsu o, ten yori sosoide

  • リバイバルの火を 下したため 聖なる御霊の力 主よ下したまえ
    リバイバルの火を 下したまえ 燃やしたまえ 主イエスのため

  • Revival no hi o kudashi-tamae, seinaruu mitama no chikara, shu yo kudashi-tamae
    Revival no hi o kudashi-tamae, moyashi-tamae, shu IESU no tame ni
    shu yo kudashi-tamae

御名を高く あげるとき 主のみこころ なしたまえ
主の臨在と情熱を 天よりそそいで
Mina o takaku ageru toki, shu no mi-kokoro nashi-tamae
Shu no rinzai to jonetsu o, ten yori sosoide

As we lift up Your name Let Your fire fall
Send Your wind and Your rain On Your wings of love
Pour out from Heaven Your passion and presence
Bring down Your burning desire

  • Revival fire fall Revival fire fall
    Fall on us here With the power of Your Spirit
    Father, let revival fire fall

  • Revival fire fall Revival fire fall
    Let the flame consume us With hearts ablaze for Jesus
    Father, let revival fire fall

As we lift up Your name Let Your kingdom come
Have Your way in this place Let Your will be done

 賛美 主 ハレルヤ

全てに感謝しよう わが主に 
賛美とよろこびもって 声高らかに
ほめ歌おう ハレルヤ
Subete ni kansha shiyo, Waga shu ni
Sambi to yorokobi motte, Koe takaraka ni
Home utao, Hallelujah

賛美 主 ハレルヤ 賛美 主 ハレルヤ ハレルヤ
賛美 主 ハレルヤ 賛美 主 ハレルヤ ハレルヤ
Sambi shu hallelujah, Sambi shu hallelujah, Hallelujah
Sambi shu hallelujah, Sambi shu hallelujah, Hallelujah


神様が僕たちを造られた kami-sama ga bokutachi o tsukurareta
神様が私たちを造られた kami-sama ga watashitachi o tsukurareta

あなたが手を造り anata ga te o tsukurui
あなたが足を造り anata ga ashi o tsukurui
あなたが口を造り anata ga kuchi o tsukurui
賛美するため造られた sambi suru tame tsukurareta

  • 手を鳴らそう 手を鳴らそう te o naraso, te o naraso
    (タンタンタタン タンタンタタン)
    手を鳴らそう 手を鳴らそう te o naraso, te o naraso
    (タンタンタタン タンタンタタン)
    賛美しよう sambi shiyo

  • 足ならそう 足ならそう ashi o naraso, ashi o naraso
    (ダンダンダダン ダンダンダダン)
    足ならそう 足ならそう ashi o naraso, ashi o naraso
    (ダンダンダダン ダンダンダダン)
    賛美しよう sambi shiyo

  • 声あげよう 声あげよ koe ageyo, koe ageyo
    ハレルヤ ハレルヤ hallelujah, hallelujah
    声あげよう 声あげよ koe ageyo, koe ageyo
    オーーーー! oh————-!
    賛美しよう sambi shiyo


 聖なる 我が主 あなただけに
栄光と誉れ ささげます
Seinaru waga shu anata dake ni
Eiko to homare sasagemasu

  • とこしえまで愛し ほめたたえる
    あなたのみそば近く 住まわせたまえ
    探し求めていた 生きる意味を
    主イエスの愛のうちに いま見出した

    Tokoshie made ai shi home-tataeru
    Anata no mi-soba chikaku sumawase-tamae
    Sagashi-motomete-ita ikiru imi wo
    Shu iesu no ai no uchi ni ima miidashita


主 あなたは 私たちの かわいた心を 生き返らせる方
私たちの 渇いた場所に 命を吹き込んでください
Shu anata wa, Watashi-tachi no, Kawaita kokoro o, Iki-kaeraseru kata
Watashi-tachi no, Kawaita basho ni, Inochi o fuki-konde kudasai

  • 命の息よ 四方から吹いて この地の上に ふくように
    聖霊の風よ 四方から吹いて この教会に 吹くように
    聖霊の風よ 四方から吹いて 私の上に 吹くように
    歓迎します あなたの事を 聖霊様 来てください
    Inochi no iki yo, Shiho kara fuite, Kono chi no ue ni fuku yo ni,
    Seirei no kaze yo, Shiho kara fuite, Kono kyokai ni, fuku yo ni,
    Seirei no kaze yo, Shiho kara fuite, Watashi no ue ni, fuku yo ni,
    Kangei shimasu, Anata no koto o, Seirei-sama, Kite kudasai


イエス 愛します 愛します 心そそぎ
ただあなただけ 慕い求めます
IESU, Ai shimasu, Ai shimasu, Kokoro sosogi
Tada, Anata dake, Shitai-motomemasu

  • あふれる あふれる
    みそばに引き寄せて 主よ
    Afureru, Afureru
    Anata o shitau omoi
    Misoba ni, Hiki-yosete shu yo

Jesus, I’m in love with you, I’m in love with you
Forever I’ll be yours
You are, Everything to me
And all I ever need is you

  • My heart is full, My heart is full
    With love and desire that will know no end
    Come draw me near, In your embrace I belong
    Lord, all I ever need is you


My Jesus, My Savior, Lord there is none like you
All of my days I want to praise, the wonders of your mighty love
My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am, never cease to worship you

  • Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing
    Power and majesty, praise to the King
    Mountains bow down and the seas will roar
    At the sound of your name
    I’ll sing for joy at the work of your hands
    Forever I’ll love you, forever I’ll stand
    Nothing compares to the promise I have in you

わが主 イエスよ 救いの君 
主の愛 たたえる 命の限り 
waga shu, IESU yo, sukui no kimi
shu no ai, tataeru, inochi no kagiri

砦 力 慰め主よ 
わが霊 たましい あがめよ永遠に 
toride, chikara, nagusame nushi yo
waga rei, tamashii, agame yo eien ni

  • 叫べ 全地よ 歌え 主の力と栄光 
    山も海も震える 御名のとどろきに 
    喜べ御手のわざを とわに愛し仕える 
    sakebe zenchi yo utae, shu no chikara to eiko
    yama mo umi mo furueru, mi-na no todoroki ni
    yorokobe mi-te no waza o, towa ni ai shi tsukaeru
    subete ni masaru IESU no ai



わが魂 主をたたえよ 聖なる御名を ほめたたえよ
主の良くしてくださったことを 何一つ忘れるな
Waga tamashii, Shu o tatae yo, Sei naru mi-na o, Home-tatae yo
Shu no yoku shite, Kudasatta koto o, Nani hitotsu wasureru na

  • 主は良いお方 主は良いお方
    私の一生 良いもので満たす
    主は良いお方 賛美をささげます
    Shu wa yoi o-kata, Shu wa yoi o-kata
    Megumi to awaremi no kammuri o motte
    Watashi no issho, Yoi mono de mitasu
    Shu wa yoi o-kata, Sambi o sasagemasu


主イエス 神の愛  十字架に 命捨てた
主イエス 神の小羊 永遠の  赦し与える

Shu IESU kami no ai, Jyuujika ni inochi suteta
Shu IESU Kami no kohitsuji, Eien no yurushi ataeru

  • 今 受け取ります あなたの愛と あなたの赦し
    今 受け取ります 永遠の救いと  癒やし
    命に溢れ祈る 全てを捧げます主よ 

    Ima uketorimasu, Anata no ai to anata no yurushi
    ima uketorimasu, Eien no sukui to iyashi
    Inochi ni afure inoru, Subete o sasagemasu shu yo
    Subete o sasagemasu shu yo


主の臨在の中で われらはひざをかがめ
あなたの御名を おそれます
力強い 主の御名
Shu no rinzai no naka de, Warera wa hiza o kagame
Anata no mina o, Osoremasu
Chikara-zuyoi, Shu no mina

主の臨在の中で われらは心を主に向け
今 御前に進み行き 賛美を捧げます
Shu no rinzai no naka de, Warera wa kokoro o shu ni muke
Ima mi-mae ni susumi-yuki, Sambi o sasagemasu

  • ほむべきかな あなたの御名は
    偉大な神 栄光の王
    ほむべきかな ただ一人
    Homu beki ka na, Anata no mina wa
    Idai na kami, Eiko no ou
    Homu beki ka na, Tada hitori
    Sambi o ukeru kata ni

主の御座から流れる 恵みと憐れみの泉
主よわたしは 飢え乾いて
Shu no mina kara nagareru, Megumi to awaremi no izumi
Shu yo watashi wa, Ue-kawaite
Anata o motomemasu

 So Close

I'm so secure, You're here with me.
You stay the same, Your love remains,
here in my heart.

  • So close I believe, You're holding me now,
    in Your hands I belong. You'll never let me go;
    So close I believe, You're holding me now
    in Your hands I belong, You'll never let me go.

You gave Your life, and Your endless love.
You set me free, and show the way
now I am found

All along You were beside me, even when I couldn't tell
and through the years, You showed me more of You
more of You


わが神主よ 見させたまえ 偉大なるその 計画
天が開き 光が満ち シオンの上に 留まる
救いの御業 全地を覆い 喜びの歌 響かせ
その正義は 平和を呼ぶ 主の御霊が 流れる
Waga kami shu yo, Misase tamae, Idai naru, sono keikaku
Ten ga hiraki, Hikari ga michi, Shion no ue ni, Todomaru
Sukui no miwaza, Zenchi wo Ooi, Yorokobi no uta, Hibikase
Sono seigi wa, Heiwa wo yobu, Shu no mitama ga, Nagareru

  • その日全世界が 主の御名 高く掲げる
    叫べ 王の王イエスに ハレルヤ
    Sono hi zen sekai ga, Shu no mina, Takaku kakegeru
    Sakebe, Ou no ou Iesu ni, Hareruya
    Eiko, Towa ni are

Spirit Touch Your Church

注ぎたまえ主よ 恵みとあわれみを
天が開くため祈る 聖霊の御業を
Sosogi-tamae shu yo, Megumi to awaremi o
Ten ga hiraku tame inoru, Seirei no miwaza o

  • 主のみたまよ触れたまえ わが心に主の教会に
    雨を降らせ リバイバルを来たらせたまえ この地の上に
    Shu no mi-tama yo, Furetamae, Waga kokoro ni, Shu no kyokai ni
    Ame o furase, Ribaibaru o kitarase, Tamae, Kono chi ni

受ける価値なきわれら 御前に進み祈る
あぁ 栄光の御業 見させたまえ
Ukeru kachi-naki warerra, Mi-mae ni susumi-inoru
Aa eiko no mi-waza, misasetamae

Lord, We need Your Grace and Mercy, We need to pray like never before
We need the Power of Your Holy Spirit, to open Heaven's door

  • Spirit touch Your church, stir the hearts of men
    Revive us Lord with Your passion once again
    I want to care for others, like Jesus cares for me
    Let Your rain fall upon me, Let Your rain fall upon me

 Step by Step

  • Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You
    Oh God, You are my God And I will ever praise You

I will seek You in the morning And I will learn to walk in Your ways
And step by step You'll lead me And I will follow You all of my days

  • わが主イエス 御名をたたえます
    わが主イエス 御名をたたえます
    Waga shu IESU, Mi-na o tataemasu
    Waga shu IESU, Mi-na o tataemasu

朝にあなた慕い 日々 主の道を求めて
いつもあなたに 従い歩みます
Asa ni anata shitai, Hibi shu no michi o motomete
Itsumo anata ni, Shitagai ayumimasu


 みつばさの陰にかくし 力ある 御腕の中に

Mi-tsubasa no, Kage ni kakushi, Chikara aru, mi-ude no naka ni

  • さかまく大海を越え 主とともに羽ばたく
    わが父よ王なる神 静まりあなたを知る

    Sakamaku oumi o koe Shu to tomo ni habataku

    Waga chichi yo ou naru kami Shizumari anata o shiru

 キリストの中に憩い 信頼と主の力を知る

Kirisuto no naka ni ikoi Shinrai to shu no chikara o shiru

  • いかづち鳴りわたる中 主とともに羽ばたく
    わが父よ王なる神 静まりあなたを知る

    ikazuchi nari wataru naka Shu to tomo ni habataku

    Waga chichi yo ou naru kami Shizumari anata o shiru

Hide me now, Under Your wings Cover me, Within Your mighty hand

Find rest my soul In Christ alone
Know his power In quietness and trust

  • When the oceans rise and thunders roar
    I will soar with You above the storm
    Father you are King over the flood
    I will be still and know You are God