Three Tents: Biblical Survey: Letters to Churches




Paul's Letters to Churches

How to read epistles

  • What does it mean for them? What situations are the same for us? How then should I live as a citizen of the kingdom of God?

  • Are there certain principles of ministry that Jesus is modeling that would be appropriate for us to imitate in our ministries?

  • What does the passage teach about theology?

Ephesians 3:8-9


Rome was the center of the Empire
Written in early 57
1. Greetings 1:1-7
2. The Gospel
- Man is separated from God by sin 1:18-3:20
- Jesus brought us reconciliation with God 3:21-5:21
- The holy spirit changes us from sinners to children of God 6-8
- God gets the glory for the plan of salvation 9-11
3. Response to the gospel (application/practices) 12-15
4. Specific greetings to Roman Christians 16

Famous theme passages:

Also the Romans Road

1 Corinthians

Corinth was a famous port. Paul lived there for a year and a half.
Written in spring of 55

1. Greetings and encouragement 1:1-9
2. Against immaturity in faith 1:10-6:20
- Rebellious against leadership 1:10-4:21
- Sexual sin, legal battles 5-6
3. More specific response to his earlier letter 7-10
- Marriage, divorce, etc.
- Eating meat dedicated to idols 8-10
4. Asks for order in worship
- Head coverings and authority 11:1-6
- Communion 11:17-34
- Spiritual gifts 12-14
- About the resurrection 15
- Greeting one another 16

Famous theme passages:
Life in the church
The fruits of repentence
Spiritual gifts
Love, the highest gift 13
Communion 11:23-26

2 Corinthians

Assert his authority while also taking a softer tone than his visit 2:1
Written early 56

1. Reconciling with the church 1-7
2. Offering for Jerusalem 8-9
3. Paul's authority as an apostle 10-13

Famous theme passages:
Vision of heaven but weakness 12:1-10


Galatia is not a single place but a region. This letter is sometimes called a "mini Romans"
Written in later 56

1. Galatian misunderstanding of the Gospel 1:1-10
2. The Law vs. Grace 1:11-2:21
3. Salvation by faith vs. salvation by works 3
4. Slaves and children inheritors 4
5. Works of the flesh and fruits of the spirit 5
6. What a Christian community should look like 6

Famous theme passages:


Ephesus was a highly religious city. There came to be an important church and said to be the last place of John and Mary
Written late summer 58

1. Mission in Christ 1-3
- Identity 1
- Grace 2:1-10
- Peace 2:11-22
- Paul's mission 3:1-13
- Paul's prayer 3:14-21
2. Walking in Christ 4-6
- Walking in unity 4:1-16
- Walking different than the world 4:17-31
- Walking carefully 5:1-21
- Walking in love 5:22-6:9
- When you can't walk, stand 6:10-24

Famous theme passages:
Grace 2:8-9; 4:25-32
Peace 2:14; 4:3
Love 2:4; 1:15; 3:17; 5:2
Walk worthy of the calling 4:1
Armor of God 6:10-20


Roman colony and old military base
Written spring 58

1. Rejoice! Christ is life 1
2. Rejoice! Christ is our model 2
3. Rejoice! Christ is glory 3
4. Rejoice! Christ is power 4

Famous theme passages:
2:6-11 << memorize this gospel presentation


Thessalonica 1/2

Prayer and worship to finish.